Friday, April 29, 2022

What’s your story?

Your brand story is important. People buy into stories. Your narrative or your messaging is crucial. But this story cannot be spun in the way that you use to create aspiration for an indistinctive product. Create real differentiation then back it up with a a good story. That’s how it works.

What are you spinning?

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Thursday, April 28, 2022

Where will it lead you?

Your plans are just that – something you have written given the information, knowledge and assumptions you have made. It will never be reflective of the actual situation that will occur. Of course, we know the map is not the territory. Just because it is not the territory you are not going to use a map?

Will your plan work?

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

What don’t you have?

What is it that you don’t have and need? The challenge with a lot of companies is that they are too distracted with the shiny sexy lights that they forget fundamentals of physical presence and getting distribution and pricing right. Jumping into “social media advertising”, “digital marketing” and whatever the sexy term of the week is, is suicide.

What do you need?

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

How did you win?

You can succeed without being really good at what you do if you have weak competitors. It becomes dangerous when you think your success is because of your own strengths. Soon your competitors wake up.

Are you really that good?

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Monday, April 25, 2022

Are you on a tight rope?

Entrepreneurs are always balancing between the confidence of their action and the fear of the unknown. This balancing act, while anxiety-laden is exactly what entrepreneurs need to give them the mental edge to be successful.

Are you on the edge?

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Friday, April 22, 2022

Where did you plan?

The success of a project is determined far from the limelight. Its destiny is written in showers, while driving, in lonely workstations, busy cafes, quarrelsome conference rooms and overused laptops.

Where did the execution ideas come from?

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Is your designation discount manager?

Sales people who aren’t proud of their job or aren’t very good at it will always say “Price it lower and we can sell more.” If that’s the case, then all lowest price brands would have the largest market share.

Your designation has a “sale” in it. That means “sell.” Your job is to make sure the deal is done. If lowering the price does the job, then anyone can do your job.

Is price doing your job?

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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Is it easy to learn?

Most skills are easy to pick up. But mastering them is a whole different story. From cooking to carpentry. From martial arts to marketing.

Just because you know doesn’t mean you are good. Just because you are good doesn’t mean you have mastered it.

Have you mastered it?

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Monday, April 18, 2022

What should be your long-term target?

When thinking about your company’s longer strategic objectives becomes challenging, a question that you can ask is “What can we do now that is really hard?”

That can guide you to your long-term strategic objective.

Are you doing too many easy things?

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Friday, April 15, 2022

Did you see how it happened suddenly?

There are often loads of stories behind things that “happen suddenly”; especially the successful kind. Read those and you will realize it took a tonne of hard work to make the luck happen suddenly.

Did you read the back stories?

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Thursday, April 14, 2022

Is it really that risky?

What would you do if you didn’t take the risk you are thinking of so seriously? Well, then don’t take it seriously. And do it already. Sometimes, this perceived risk is what is holding you back. Take them away and you make decisions very differently. And perhaps that is the kind of different thinking you need.

What are the possibilities?

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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Are you a warrior?

At the end of the day, everything you learned and read needs to be put to practice. If you do not apply it and keep doing it till you become skillful, you are just a theorist at best.

Read and learn all you want. But eventually go out there and put those things into play.

The real general goes out there and fight a war. They don’t discuss it on paper.

Are your theories workable?

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Are you feeling negative?

There is nothing I can do about (what you want to complain about here); there is plenty I can do about (the few things you can work on here) to (what you want done here).

There will always be things you can’t do anything about. But there will be plenty that you CAN do something about. Focus on those.

Feeling positive yet?

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Monday, April 11, 2022

Are you a hindrance?

Don’t do what need not be done.

Don’t do what is someone else’s job.

Don’t do waste other people’s time. Meaning do what you need to do to facilitate other people’s work.

Are you effective?

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Friday, April 8, 2022

What are you still thinking about?

Intention makes you poor.

Action makes you rich.

Shouldn’t you get going?

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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Where is the end?

You don’t need inspiration to write. You write and the inspiration arises. I suspect this is the same for many creative endeavours. Entrepreneurialism is a creative endeavour. But sometimes inspiration arises when you aren’t writing. Then you need to stop and write. Or at worst, write it down.

How do you start?

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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

What do you want to know?

Ask someone with experience if you want strategic advice and principles that work on the longer term and with the bigger picture. Ask someone fairly new if you want tactical advice and execution that works on the shorter term and with a more focused timeline. One isn’t better than the other. Just depends on what you want to get done.

Who should you ask?

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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

How do you hack this?

Don’t make your life about finding shortcuts. Make it about learning skills. The former is a waste of time. The latter is building a foundation for future success. Both are easy choices. One is easy to implement. The other not so. Choose well.

What the heck are you doing?

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Monday, April 4, 2022

Who is competing with you?

Competitors keep you going. They make you worry that they will get there first. The best thing to do is to be inspired by your competitors. Acknowledge what they are doing well. Then, ask yourself how can you do better? Work harder, longer, smarter to beat them.

Do you love your rival?

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Friday, April 1, 2022

Do you want it easier?

If you don’t derive much satisfaction from completing an easy job, then you shouldn’t complain about a tough job. The joy of job satisfaction is in the weight of effort that you put in.

Do you want it tougher?

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