Thursday, January 16, 2025

What connects?

Stories are the secret sauce that make us human. They're the oldest tool in the communication toolbox, going way back to when cultures were just getting started. Every culture, every tradition, and every origin has a story at its core. They're not just about entertainment—they're a way for us to connect, understand, and relate to each other better.

When we tell stories, we're not just passing on information. We're inviting others into our world. We're saying, "Hey, this is who I am, this is where I've been, and this is what I've learned." It humanizes us in ways that few other things can.

- They evoke emotion, from laughter and joy to empathy and nostalgia, all of which leave a lasting impression.

- Stories stick. People are more likely to remember a story than a dry list of facts or features.

- They transform brands into entities people can relate to, trust, and even fall in love with.

As we share stories, we build bridges. People relate to brands and to each other not just because of what they're peddling, but because of the shared human experience that stories highlight. This is a lesson I’ve learned over 31 years in the advertising industry and it fuels my passion for creating engaging campaigns at Roar Point.

Whether you're a business owner building a brand or an ad professional shaping a campaign, always remember the power of a good story. They’re timeless, they're humanizing, and they're essentially what makes us, us.

What's your story?

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Who are you?

Why are you, you? It might sound straightforward, but knowing your raison d’ĂȘtre, or your reason for being, changes everything. It's like a superpower for building genuine connections.
When you really get why you are you, it gives you direction and focus. Knowing your purpose helps you become authentic and real. There’s no confusion about who you are because you’re clear on your identity.
In business, people don't just buy products or services. They buy into who you are. They resonate with why you do what you do. That's why understanding the story behind a brand is vital.
Here's why it matters:
- A clear vision sets you apart. It has to be something unique and distinct, not just the usual stuff everyone else is doing.
- Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it's a way to connect on a deeper level.
- Being clear on what makes you unique gives you a powerful standout factor.
So, find your why, make it your compass, and see the difference it makes. Because when you're true to yourself, everything else—relationships, business, life—falls into place more naturally.
Why are you?

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Are you curious?

Get curious about asking the right questions.
Asking questions is like planting seeds for answers. But if you're planting the wrong seeds, you won't get the crops you’re looking for.
To get the right answers, start with the right premise. This means asking questions that are solid and well-thought-out. These smart questions come from being genuinely curious.
Being curious isn’t just about wanting to know more. It's about digging deeper and exploring different angles. This depth helps guide you to the answers you really need.
Without curiosity, our questions tend to stay on the surface. And surface-level questions lead to surface-level answers that don’t help much.
Here’s what to consider when forming questions:
1. Purpose: What am I hoping to understand or solve? 
2. Assumptions: What am I assuming? Are these valid? 
3. Perspective: Am I looking at this from all sides?
Remember, it's not about having a million questions but having the right ones.
So, push yourself to ask questions that challenge you. Let your curiosity guide you to explore and experiment.
With curiosity, you won't just stumble across answers—you'll discover them. And that’s how you’ll find the solutions you've been looking for.
Stay curious and keep questioning. This is your path to meaningful answers.
Do you have the right questions?

Let us help. Call us now at +60378901079 or visit us at

Monday, January 13, 2025

Who’s winning?

Getting ahead in business isn't all about winning. It's about having real conversations. Whether you're selling or buying, whether it's personal or professional, conversations matter. We're all too busy trying to one-up each other in business. But watch out—this can sneak into how we talk to our customers and partners.
Here’s the deal:
- Be mindful of your tone.
- Avoid making every interaction about scoring points.
- Open up a genuine dialogue.
Consider it like chatting with a friend. If you're always trying to outdo them, you’ll soon find the conversation becomes a one-way street. Nobody likes that feeling. Create space for a two-way street in your business talk. Ask questions. Listen to the answers, not just to reply, but to understand. This can lead to insights you wouldn't have found on your own.
And honestly, you don't have to come out on top every time. If both parties feel heard and understood, you've both won.
Keep it simple. Keep it real. For a stronger relationship, make sure your conversations go both ways.
Who’s the real loser?

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Friday, January 10, 2025

Are you running the numbers?

Data can be your gold mine—but it isn't everything.

As a marketer, you're not just crunching numbers. You're a bit of a scientist, an artist, and a craftsman all rolled into one. That's the magic formula: Data + Gut Feel x Experience. 

Why do I mention Isaac Asimov here? Aside from being a writing powerhouse, he was both science and art wrapped in one. He believed discoveries came from curiosity, not just answers.

Asimov once said the most exciting phrase in science is “That’s funny…” not “Eureka!” It's about noticing the odd things, asking questions, and seeing where that leads you.

Here's how you can mix science and art:

- Trust the data but trust yourself too. Your gut feel and experience add layers the data alone can't provide.

- Stay curious. If something looks off, dig deeper, just like Asimov's “That’s funny...” mindset.

- Be adaptive. Sometimes, you’ve got to pivot from what's logical to something inspired.

Sure, algorithms and data are powerful tools. But it’s how you apply your experiences and insights that makes all the difference.

So, find the harmony between data-driven decisions and your own instinct. That’s where the real marketing magic happens.

Will you allow magic to happen?

Let us help. Call us now at +60378901079 or visit us at

Thursday, January 9, 2025

What do you believe?

Believes without stakes are just words.

When you really care about something, you put it all on the line. It’s that mix of passion and action that shows how serious you are. And the higher the risk, the more convincing your belief becomes to others.

- Put Skin in the Game: If you want others to believe you, demonstrate that you have everything to lose. The commitment speaks volumes.

- Risk over Reward: True conviction means you’re willing to risk it all with no guaranteed reward. It’s about the cause, not the perks.

- Walk the Talk: Back your beliefs with strong actions. If you ask someone to jump on board, be the first to leap and show them the way.

- Lead by Example: People are more likely to follow when they see you're already out on the front lines, taking the hits, not just standing in the safe zone.

Putting it on the line for what you believe in builds trust. It’s not all about talking the talk; it’s the courage to walk the risky path and staying true to your beliefs even when the odds aren’t in your favor.

So next time you champion a belief, remember: it’s not about what you could gain, but what you're willing to lose. That’s where real power lies.

Are they backed by actions?

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Wednesday, January 8, 2025

How do you grow?

Sometimes growing is about doing what you do well, even better.

It is about serving your current customers even better.

It is about letting more new people who don’t know you know what you do well.

Growing can be that simple.

Are you consolidating?

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