The lowest hanging fruit. The
natural market.
When I first got my license as an insurance agent many years ago, I was
told by the manager, now you need to meet your quota as an agent by selling x
number of policies worth x amount.
I didn’t know how. Selling is scary. Rejection even scarier. And
rejection by someone you know is a death sentence to your self-esteem. But out
I went - selling. I was given a tip. Sell to your natural market. Meaning,
people you know. The veterans tell me this is the easiest.
So, it’s no wonder that when marketers launch products they are
unfamiliar with, they usually think about their natural market. If they are
experts in a certain field, they try to exploit their knowledge as much as
possible. Sometimes, they argue economies of scale and they debate with the intimate
knowledge they have about the market they know easiest. Not best. But easiest.
But easiest may be the most difficult thing the new brand being
launched will have to face. Because the brand handlers have refused to invent a
new way of marketing, sticking to what they know for a product category they do
not know.
In order to increase the chances of success, the
best solution maybe to
create a new system and learn, no matter how steep the learning curve.
Natural and lowest hanging maybe the easiest but sometimes it may not
be the best.
Maybe natural isn’t the best?
Let us help. Call us now at +60378901079 or visit us at