Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Who is coming to save you?

8 things no one told me and I didn’t expect when I opened my Consultancy:

1. It will be so quiet some days you will be shit scared.

Embrace the silence. Keep the faith. It's the calm before the storm of businesses that will come.

2. Friends will run away from you because you are always asking for leads.

Cherish those who stay. They are your true allies.

3. You have to do sales. EVE.RY.DAY. I call it pound the pavement.

Sales drive success. Keep pushing forward.

4. It can be so heart wrenching you want to cry, cuddle up and then quit.

Perseverance is key. Keep your eyes on the prize.

5. People will look down upon you when you are bootstrapping.

Ignore the naysayers. Focus on your vision.

6. Billing is always urgent and you will be the only one nervous about invoicing date.

Stay on top of your finances. It’s your lifeline.

7. Your focus changes as you grow. Starting is about breaking even and sanity. Then make money. Later money will not be a motivation anymore.

Evolve with your business. Adapt to new goals.

8. When you grow big, they still think you are a 2-person company.

Prove them wrong. Let your work speak for itself.

→ Stay resilient, keep learning.

→ Grow boldly, live fully.

Can you save yourself?

Let us help. Call us now at +60378901079 or visit us at

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