Monday, September 23, 2024

Do you like free advice?

Advice I didn’t take when starting my business

When I started my business, people bombarded me with advice. Here's some I ignored, and why it worked out just fine.

Partners will be a problem, go solo.

They said partners would become a problem because people change when money is involved. But I went ahead and got a partner, and guess what? It’s worked out. We balance each other out and complement each other’s skills. Sometimes, good partnerships make the ride smoother.

Do what can scale.

I heard this a lot: "If your business can't scale, you'll be stuck running it yourself." A friend even declined to join me because he said it wouldn’t scale. Yet here I am, years later, with a business that's small, niche, and flourishing. You don’t always need to aim for the stars; sometimes the moon is just fine.

Pursue your passion.

Many urged me to pursue my passion. After 31 years in the marketing industry, I still question if it’s my passion. I’m good at it, and that’s enough. You don't need a burning passion; competence and enjoyment make a good mix. Passion can be a luxury; practicality isn’t.

Fake it till you make it.

I chose honesty over faking it. We started small, with less than 10 staff, and we told our clients the truth. This honesty built trust. Remarkably, even listed firms became our clients. Authenticity wins respect.

Keep pitching.

The industry standard is to keep pitching for new clients. We decided not to. We focused on the work we have and growing those relationships. It’s unconventional, but it works for us.

Do this, don’t do that.

Advice is everywhere. But most people haven’t walked in your shoes. They don’t know your vision for your company. Follow your own path, and don't listen to the naysayers. Build the business you want.

In essence, follow your own compass. It might just lead you to success.

Do they know where you are going?

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