Thursday, August 8, 2024

Are you silly to see potential?

The best ideas are fragile.

It’s true. Most people don’t even start talking about them at all because they sound silly. I get it, sharing ideas feels risky. You’ve been there, right?

You mention an idea and see the eyes roll or hear a scoff. It's not that your idea was bad; it just needed the right environment to breathe.

What you need most are folks who don’t make you feel stupid for uttering a bad idea. Even better if they don’t feel stupid for doing so themselves. It's a supportive loop.

Stay away from seemingly well-intentioned people who belittle your ambitions. Sadly, this describes so much of the world today.

- They cling to the past.

- They fear change.

- They don’t see your future vision.

But guess what? You’re different. You want to live in the future, not in past failures or fears.

Surround yourself with people who:

- See potential in the silly.

- Embrace the new.

- Encourage your wild thoughts.

Make this your norm. It shapes your mind. It nurtures your ideas.

In the right company, fragile ideas become powerful realities. Find your tribe, and speak your dreams aloud. You might be surprised at what grows.

Do you see potential in silly?

Let us help. Call us now at +60378901079 or visit us at

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