Monday, August 5, 2024

Are you dismissing them?

Embrace your silly ideas.

The best ideas are fragile. Sometimes, they sound so silly that many people won't even mention them. But I've learned that's precisely why we need to protect and share these ideas.

Why? Because innovation comes from those sparkly little thoughts others dismiss. Imagine if the creators of electric cars or smartphones kept quiet because their ideas sounded silly. Where would we be?

I realized you need to be around people who give you the space to share these "silly" ideas. People who won't make you feel stupid for suggesting something offbeat. Surround yourself with friends, colleagues, or mentors who get this. It's essential.

The opposite is a cynical crowd that mocks creativity of any kind. They cling to what's comfortable, what they know. It's easy to fall into their trap, but you must steer clear. Their mocking isn't about you; it's about their fear of the unknown.

Instead, focus on the future. Surround yourself with those who get it, who encourage exploration and innovation. They know that today's silly idea could be tomorrow's game-changer.

Embrace your silly ideas. Share them with people who value creativity. You'll be glad you did.

Why are they laughing at you?

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