Monday, July 15, 2024

What will you say "yes" to?

You know, they say the teacher appears when the student is ready. I couldn't agree more.

I used to wait around, thinking someone or something would come to guide me, save me from confusion, or boost my career. But guess what? No one's coming to save you.

Sure, mentors and coaches can help. But the real game-changer is you. When you're ready to learn, grow, and take action, you'll find the answers everywhere. You've got to be open and curious.

Here's a quick story. I remember being stuck in my job, waiting for someone to point out what I was doing wrong. Meanwhile, my colleague was learning new skills, asking questions, and thriving. It hit me then – he didn't wait for a teacher; he became his own.

We often wait for perfect conditions. We think, "If only I had the right mentor, or the right opportunity, then I’d succeed." But opportunities don't always come knocking. Sometimes, you have to create them yourself.

Next time you're feeling stuck, ask yourself:

1. What can I learn right now that will help me move forward?

2. Who can I reach out to for guidance, even if they're not a formal mentor?

3. How can I turn this challenge into a learning experience?

It's powerful when you realize you're in control. Make a decision, take a step, and find your path. The teacher within you is waiting.eacher; they became took action to learn and to progress.

What has saying “no” too often done to you?

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